Have a project and need some assistance?

Maybe you’re a first time filmmaker or maybe you want to outsource some production elements. With over 25 short films under my belt, I’ve learned a lot of lessons, tricks and tips.

As a creative producer, I understand the big picture and what is necessary to get your project from script to screen while delivering high production value.

From general production advice including casting, crewing and equipment to budget creation and film festival strategy, I offer consults and services that will elevate your project and ensure you’re in a strong position for any upcoming shoot.

Production Consults and Services

  • General Script

    I will read your script and give you a general overview of what is needed to get your project made.

    This includes a budget estimate, any production challenges, script feedback and general advice.

    This will empower you to hit the ground running by knowing exactly what you need and reduce the amount of set backs along the way.

  • Budget

    If you have a script but have no idea what it will cost to make or you need to create a budget for a certain amount, I can help.

    Simply send me your script and I will provide you with a tailored budget and detailed budgeting advice pertaining to your individual project.

  • Cast & Crew

    Need to cast your project or looking to build your crew?

    Based on your script and budget, I can advise you on cast / casting director and put you in touch with various skilled crew members across production and post production.

    I can also provide you with advice on equipment rental houses & gear.

  • Film Festivals

    You have a film, now what?

    The film festival process can be very daunting but fear not, I’m here to help. I have spent the past 6 years on the worldwide festival circuit and understand the submission and programming process in detail.

    I can create a tailor made festival strategy for your film so you can use your time and money wisely. I can also assist in creating an impressive & impactful film freeway profile so that your submissions stand out.